Calling ALL Pastry Chefs

lavender picking

One Sweet Night
Our 5th Annual Dessert Competition

Under the Stars Farm is now accepting dessert submissions for One Sweet Night in August 2024.

Register as a contestant and submit your entry for the One Sweet Night Dessert Contest

HOW TO REGISTER (Only One Entry Per Person/Business)

All Contestants wishing to participate should submit a completed Entry Form.   Dessert Name and Description from the Entry Form will be used on the score cards for guests and judges; please ensure they are complete and accurately describe your masterpiece.

All Contestants must complete entry form in full and sign the acknowledgement.

Registration begins on April 16th at 12:00pm and closes on Wednesday, July 24h at 11:59pm.


    • Desserts must be cooked off site and ready to serve onsite promptly at 6pm for serving. Chefs must be present to plate their dessert and remain onsite until all desserts have been served.
    • All dessert entries must be made from scratch with a lavender focus. Pre-packaged store-bought brands or commercially available pre-made desserts may not be entered.
    • Under the Stars Farm will provide either pure culinary lavender extract, culinary lavender buds or lavender simple syrup for the entry. Lavender from other farms or sources in prohibited.  Contestants must specify the lavender needed for their desserts no later than July 24th, in order for package to be mailed to each contestant.
    • All desserts must fit on a 6” round plate. Under the Stars Farm will be providing dessert plates, utensil, and linens.
    • Contestants are responsible for supplying all of their own utensils and products related to their submission and maintenance of its proper temperature for serving. An electrical outlet will be available upon request.



    • All Contestants and their staff are required to provide their own equipment for TCS-Ready to Eat Food.
    • Under the Stars Farm is providing (2) 6-foot tables, linens and a receptacle. For each contestant.


    • Contestants are encouraged to arrive early to prepare their designated area. Entrants can arrive as early as 4:00 pm and no later than 5:30 pm. All Contestants and their entries are expected to be ready to for presentation by 6pm.
    • Contestants must provide enough samples for the Dessert Flight for one hundred twenty (120) individuals to taste the entry.



    • Judge’s Choice Award will be determined by a panel of industrial professionals. The judging process will start promptly at 6:00 pm at Under the Stars Farm Lavender Field.
    • People’s Choice Award will be determined by guest ballots.
    • Best Use of Lavender Award will be determined based on ballot and judges scoring from the Lavender category.


Judging Criteria: Each dessert entry may earn up to twenty-five (25) points per judge.

      1. Appearance: Up to three (3) Points may be given. This is the judge’s review of the over-all presentation of your dessert.
      2. Flavor: Up to five (5) Points may be given. This is the judge’s review of the taste and the balance of the desserts flavoring.
      3. Texture/Consistency: Up to five (5) Points may be given. This is the judge’s review of execution.
      4. Lavender: Up to five (5) Points may be given. This is the judge’s review of the creativity and use of lavender.
      5. Overall: Taste Up to seven (7) Points may be given. This is the judge’s review of the overall taste of the dessert entry.


Scoring: Each judge assigns a numerical value for each category without consultation with the other judges. Each dessert entry may earn up to twenty-five (25) points per judge. The dessert receiving the highest total numerical value will be award the Judges Choice Award. Should a tie exist for any of the places, the judges will consult and potentially ask for one more serving of dessert.

To register to submit a dessert for this competition, please complete the form. There is no fee to enter.