There is No Plan B

My mentor, Bo Eason, often says, “there is no plan B for your A game” – and right now I am holding tight to that belief.

This month we were working with Trey from Watford Design on our big picture design and it has been nothing short of amazing. He has this ability to capture the vision in my head and put it on paper and we couldn’t be more thrilled.

We’ve met with the county zoning & planning team and preliminarily discussed our project. The team at the county was helpful and provided us insight we hadn’t yet thought about – it was very helpful.

With that said, we are already seeing a couple of areas that might cause major set backs and I’m frustrated.

Ya gotta take the good with the bad, yet last night I found myself ready to throw in the towel and that’s when I heard Bo in my head say, “there is no plan B for your A game CJ” – something I have heard him say to Billy and I on more than one occasion. So rather than give up, I went back to the drawing board to revise our plan.

We are committed to our farm, to our family, to specialty crops like lavender, to the vision of bringing the Lavender Fields and an event venue to Gloucester, and if our first play isn’t going to work – that’s okay because we will go back to the drawing board and keep moving forward toward our dream.

Stay tuned for the next chapter in our story.
